A Team of Facilitators
When we are asked to work with a young person, we will plan for specific outcomes i.e. returning to school, getting an apprenticeship or job. However in our experience, the factors that are preventing this young person from achieving those goals are multiple , and to deal with one aspect of their need in isolation e.g. Dyslexia, would likely fail because the other areas of their need e.g. Attachment, speech and language difficulties, boundaries also have a major impact on their desired outcome.
This potential range of needs will also require investigation, identification, recognition and formal reporting through the course of our work. We therefore find creative and experimental ways to work with the whole child, family and relevant professionals to find long term solutions. We consider our key professional quality to be one of facilitating access to the high quality services that young people and their families need.
It is important to understand that we are not a holistic service. We do not have a team that consists of teachers, social workers, CAMHS professionals etc. Whilst the work that we do touches many areas such as social care, education, drug and alcohol misuse, youth offending we aim to make it possible for the successful uptake of and intervention by those other services.
To achieve this our staff are experienced in engaging, highly disengaged young people and building trusting and robust relationships with families.
Meet the Team
Jake George – Service Manager
Jake has been working with young people and families who face personal and educational challenges for 25 years. With experience as a Teacher, Advisory Teacher, School Improvement Manager and Head Teacher of a small special school he started 360 Learning and Skills in 2014 to address the needs of young people who fall through the net.
Danny Maidment – Lead for Behaviour and Engagement
Danny has been working with young people who face social, emotional and learning challenges for many years. Prior to joining 360 he developed and delivered accredited qualifications to high needs learners. He now utilises his broad range of skills and experience to lead on engaging young people and working with schools, colleges and employers on supporting transition back to learning.